Antonio Ardizzone (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain)
Quatsomes: Promising Highly Stable Nanovesicles for Drug Delivery
Enrique Barrigon (Division of Solid State Physics / Nanolund, Sweden)
Shell material assessment for GaAs-based nanowire solar cells
Massimiliano Bartolomei (Instituto de Fisica Fundamental - CSIC, Spain)
Hydrogen physisorption and intercalation in novel nano-porous graphites
Jesús R. Berenguer (Universidad de La Rioja, Spain)
Design of mesoporous hybrid titania for solar light harvesting using coordination transition metal complexes as building blocks
Luca Bergamini (UPV/EHU, CFM, CSIC-UPV/EHU and DIPC, Spain)
Ultrafast control of plasmonic nanoantennas driven by hot-spot induced phase-transitions in VO2
Alex Bondarchuk (CIC energiGUNE, Spain)
Vanadium nitride thin films and nanoclusters: combined XPS and electrochemical characterization
Enrique Burzuri (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience. Delft University of Technology., Netherlands)
Kondo effect and magnetic exchange inversion in neutral and stable organic radical single molecule break junctions
Izaskun Bustero (Tecnalia, Spain)
Graphene-based composites for thermal management applications
Inmaculada Cabrera Hinojosa (CDTI, Spain)
EUREKA Cluster "Graphene & 2D Materials"
Nuria Campos Alfaraz (Graphene Square Europe, Spain)
Advanced CVD systems for the synthesis of two-dimensional materials beyond graphene
Mª Pilar de Miguel Ortega (CDTI, Spain)
CDTI: Funding Opportunities for Graphene
Pablo Díaz Núñez (Instituto de Fusion Nuclear, UPM, Spain)
Effect of organic stabilizers over silver nanoparticles fabricated by femtosecond pulsed laser ablation
Álvaro Díez (Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja (CTCR), Spain)
Towards the nanotechnology in the footwear sector
Gema Maria Duran Lizcano (University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain)
CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots for Improving Detection Capabilities in Analytical Processes
Nerea Epelde Elezcano (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Photosensitizer-Silica Nanoparticle as Platform for Photodynamic Therapy
Matthias Fenner (Keysight Technologies, Germany)
Improved Method for Probing Resistivity and Doping Concentration of Semiconductors at the Nanoscale Using Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM)
Carlos Fito (ITENE, Spain)
Lessons from case studies: exposure to engineered nanomaterials and effectiveness of workplace controls in the polymer nanocomposites industry
Mar Garcia Hernandez (ICMM-CSIC, Spain)
GRAPHENET: The Spanish Graphene Network
César González (Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé. CEA/Saclay, France)
Detection of Inorganic Molecules on reactive MoS2 defects by ab-initio Atomic Force Microscopy Simulations
Lucía González Bermúdez (GrapheneTech, Spain)
Industrial Graphene nanoplatelets possibilities
Natascia Grimaldi (Nanomol Technologies SA, Spain)
CO2-based-surfactant-free microemulsions-like system as futurist universal green medium for chemical processes
Ruta Grinyté (CIC BiomaGUNE, Spain)
Facile and inexpensive biocatalytic method for resizing of semiconductor cadmium sulfide nanoparticles
Oihane Ibarrola (Biopraxis Research AIE (Praxis Pharmaceutical), Spain)
Nanomedicine, from PoC to reality: the importance of an industrial perspective and GMP scale
Manuel López López (Universidad de Huelva, Spain)
Do strong surfactant/swcnt-cooh interactions assure good dispersion quality?
Samuel Mañas-Valero (University of Valencia - ICMol, Spain)
Transition metal chalcogenides in the 2D limit: superconductivity in 2H-TaS2
Jose Miguel Martin Martinez (University of Alicante, Spain)
Improvement of the toughness of PMMA-based acrylic resin for dental application by adding small amounts of graphene nanoparticles
Nicolas F. Martinez (Scientec Iberica, Spain)
Bimodal HD-KFM and Resiscope Atomic Force Microcopy characterization of bidimensional materials and solar cells.
Johann G. Meier (ITAINNOVA, Spain)
On the peculiar mechanical and tribological behavior of polymer nanocomposites with nanotubes of WS2 and nanowires of Mo6S2I8
Roderick Melnik (MS2Discovery Institute (Canada) & BCAM (Spain) , Canada)
Coupling, geometric phases, and properties of quantum dots: analytics and numerics for the Berry phase case
Angel Millan (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón, Spain)
High time resolution thermometry on a magnetic nanoheater. A new tool for hyperthermia
Miguel Monge (Universidad de la Rioja, Spain)
Ultrathin Gold-Silver Nanorods and Nanowires Stabilized with Long Alkyl Chain Carboxylic Acids: Synthesis and Plasmonic Properties
Juan Francisco Muñoz Martínez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Electrophoretic vs. dielectrophoretic forces in 2D optoeletric nanoparticle patterning
Valery Pavlov (CIC BiomaGUNE, Spain)
Enzymatic etching of nonoparticles in biosensing
Uxua Pérez de Larraya (CEMITEC, Spain)
Synthesis of iron based nanoparticles in presence of nanocellulose for contaminant removal
Javier Reguera Gomez (CIC BiomaGUNE, Spain)
Patchy nanoparticles at the air-liquid interface: contact angles and adsorption energies measured by neutron reflectivity
Miguel Ángel Ruiz Fresneda (University of Granada, Spain)
Fabrication and molecular scale characterization of selenium nanoparticles produced by Stenotrophomonas sp. BII-R7
Aleksei Savenko (FEI Company, Netherlands)
Broadening of FIB applications using Xe plasma FIB
Isabelle Sicé (MICROTEST, France)
ALD deposition of AlN for AlN/NbN multilayers
Elvira Villaro Ábalos (Interquimica, Spain)
Manufacturing and characterization of high electrical conductivity structural epoxy graphene composites
Pablo Villarreal (CSIC /Instituto de Física Fundamental, Spain)
Structure and Spectroscopy of Helium Nanodroplets Doped with Molecular Impurities at Low Temperatures.
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